Roll Your R’s, Motherfucker

Justin Keane
1 min readFeb 3, 2017

The only thing I regret for Lemmy is that when he sang this, he didn’t roll the R in ‘moron.’ Otherwise he lived as one should live. Spittle, urge, and video trivia on the Sunset Strip into whatever brief dotage all that speed would allow for.

The microphone is high enough that he has to reach for it. The head is cocked and the throat is raw. Ever stood in front of a crowd to scream your guts out? It’s an interesting experience. Most people just say fuck you, hey man that’s too loud. And then you keep singing if you have any truth in you.

I wonder would Donny Shankle and Lemmy have gotten along? Just fucking standing there, that bar out in front of you. That microphone. Like Bukowski says, go all the way. Isolation is the gift. Who do you have if you don’t have yourself?

